Local History and Genealogy
Enjoy the extensive local history collection available to you at the Library:
The Local History Collection
Contains historic and genealogical materials for the Leavenworth area.
Vertical File
Contains news clipping, pamphlets and other information on Leavenworth history, historical figures, and events.
Map Collection
Historical and recent maps of Leavenworth city and county and the state of Kansas.
The Leavenworth Times is available from 1857 to the present. Census records, city directories, land, divorce, marriage, and naturalization records along with other historic documents are also available. Inquire at the Reference desk at the library for these records and documents. Microfilm does not check out.
Photograph Collection
Historic photographs of Leavenworth people, businesses and events. Included is the Johnny and Annie Johnston Collection containing several thousand images.
Digital Kansas Sanborn Maps
Ranging from 1883-1949 for Leavenworth, the Sanborn fire insurance maps are valuable historical and genealogical tools.
Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library
A permanent online archive of state publications issued by Kansas state agencies, commissions and institutions.
For more information about the Local History collections, contact reference at (913) 682-5666 ext. 2100 or [email protected].
* = Access requires a State of Kansas Library e-Card, available for free at the Library or through this online form.
Links to the State Library resources lead to their general Genealogy and History database page, where you
can find each specific resource.
Ancestry – Library Edition
Access available only at the Library.
Using the Library’s computers, you have access to free search records to discover your family’s history.
Browse premier collections from the U.S. National archives, The National Archives of the U.K. and other international records.
Freedmen’s Bureau Project
Examine searchable records and images of nearly 1.8 million emancipated slaves during the years 1865 to 1878.
Requires user to set up a free account for access
Genealogy Connect*
Wide range of references and authoritative information from Genealogical.com, a genealogy publishing company.
Genealogical sources with primary sources, local and family histories and finding aids.
History Reference Source*
Access thousands of reference books, encyclopedias, non-fiction books, historical documents, biographies, historical photos and maps, as well as 150 leading history periodicals and 80 hours of historical video.
Kansas Digital Newspapers
Access a digital library of historic Kansas newspapers, including digitized Leavenworth Times from 1868 to 1922.
Newspaper Source Plus*
Includes full-text newspapers, providing more than 35 million full-text articles; features more than 857,000 television and radio news transcripts.
Kansas Historical Society
Collects, preserves and interprets material and information pertaining to state government and Kansas history.
Click here to view
Kansas Memory
Kansas Historical Society’s
online collection.
Kansas History, 1854-1865*
Provides Kansas history from the territorial years through the Civil war.
Midwest Genealogy Center
The largest free-standing public genealogy library in the United States.

National Archives and Records Administration
The NARA is the nation’s record keeper of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government. Local and regional information is available through the National Archives at Kansas City.
National Park Service