Meeting Rooms Policy

The meeting rooms must be returned to original order after use:
- Clean chairs and tables with disinfectant wipes provided by the Library
- Put chairs away as originally placed
- Put tables away against the walls
- Dispose of all trash
- Masks and social distancing are recommended but not required
Section 2: Other Services
I. Library meeting rooms (Amended 2/8/2024)
A. Library sponsored or co-sponsored programs take precedence in booking and use of meeting rooms.
B. All meetings are open to the public and free of admission or other charges.
C. Meeting rooms are available at no charge for educational, civic, and cultural activities. Expected attendance cannot exceed the capacity of room as follows:
- Jahn Room: capacity 75
- East Room: capacity 45
- Board Room: capacity 12
D. Meeting rooms may be booked up to 90 days in advance on a first-come, first-served basis. Meeting rooms are available during regular Library hours. Organizations may request access earlier than the Library’s normal opening time. The Board Room is available Monday-Friday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. All meetings in the Board Room must conclude by 4:00 PM. The Board Room can be used for confidential meetings.
E. An individual or representative of an organization that has booked a meeting room must sign-in at the Reference department within 30 minutes of the time the meeting was scheduled to begin. After 30 minutes, the booking will be cancelled and the room will be made available for other users.
F. Bookings may be canceled by contacting the Library’s Reference desk. Cancellation notification must be received by the Reference department at least 12 hours in advance of the time booked for the room. Two failures to provide notification of a cancellation within a 90-day period will result in denial of meeting room privileges for six months.
G. Prepared food is permitted in meeting rooms. No cooking is permitted. Proper disposal and cleanup of food remains, plates, napkins and other serving materials/utensils are required.
H. Set-up of meeting rooms is the responsibility of the user. Emergency exits cannot be blocked or impeded in any way. The room must be returned to original order after use: chairs and tables must be put away and trash placed in the proper receptacle. Users must notify the Reference staff at the conclusion of their meeting so equipment and the room can be secured. Failure to return a room to original order or notify the Reference staff at the conclusion of a meeting may result in denial of future meeting room privileges.
I. Meeting room users are responsible for damages to the building, furnishings or equipment that result from their use.
J. Commercial purposes or fundraising activities are not permitted. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, bazaars, sales and programs designed to promote the purchase of products or services.
K. Private or invitation only events such as receptions, parties or showers are not permitted in the Jahn Room or East Room.
L. The Library’s co-sponsoring or hosting of a program does not constitute the Library’s endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by any participants.
M. The Library is not responsible for personal belongings lost or stolen during a meeting.
N. No lighted candles or flames allowed.
O. An adult must be present and responsible for any event involving children under the age of 18. The library is not responsible for the care of children.
P. The Library may not be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization or group using library meeting rooms. No contact information for individual program organizers will be shared with the public.
Q. The Library reserves the right to cancel any meeting should an individual, group or organization violate or refuse to abide by this policy. Other reasons for cancellation include power or heating/cooling equipment failure and weather-related emergencies. In the event of a cancellation, efforts will be made to notify the contact person listed on the reservation. During inclement weather, the group scheduled to use the room should check with the library before the scheduled meeting.
R. This section of Chapter 2, Section 2, subsection III applies to Meeting Room use: Political signs endorsing candidates or issues are not permitted on Library property and will be removed. Organizations using Library meeting rooms may display such signs inside the room during their meeting.