Library Needs Assessment

You might have read the front page article in the 7/18/24 edition of the Leavenworth Times or heard about it from a friend. We wish to answer questions you may have. You are always welcome to contact me for more information.     A Needs Assessment is a preliminary...
Clarification for the Public

Clarification for the Public

State Representative Pat Proctor’s recent Facebook page stated that Nancy Bauder was “formerly a member of the Library Board of Trustees.” For the sake of complete and accurate information about how the Library is governed, Mrs. Bauder served on the Library Board of...
Revenue Neutral Effect on Library Budget

Revenue Neutral Effect on Library Budget

Library budgets have resulted in general fund mill rate reductions four times in the last ten years, including FY2023 and FY2024. At the same time, quality services have been maintained. Collections have grown. Unique digital content has been added. Technology is...
Public Communication Without Misrepresentation

Public Communication Without Misrepresentation

A recent Facebook post by State Representative Proctor is not accurate. The elected City Commission has always had authority over the Library budget. They have exerted this authority by passing Charter Ordinances that cap how much money the City collects for the...